

Ranch Taco Salad

Why yes, it has been 13 days since I last posted.

Gotsta get back on my game, people! I've got a month vacation from school until I start back up late August, so I'm trying to enjoy it while I can. And that means a lot of sleeping. But I promise to make more time for blogging.

The inspiration for this taco salad came from Taco Casa's taco salad with ranch. Then I saw Tina's recipe for Ranch Doritos Taco Salad and morphed the two ideas together. No thousand island dressing for me. Ranch dressing, though? This girl loves her some ranch.

Not gonna lie, I do prefer Taco Casa's ranch dressing to the bottled Hidden Valley ranch that we used. What the heck does Taco Casa use?!? I prefer our seasoned ground beef though to Taco Casa's low grade beef mush. Plus Taco Casa doesn't have all the extra goodies on there like onions and avocados and corn. And this uses realllll lettuce, not iceberg lettuce. And ranch doritos instead of regular tortilla chips. 

So there, take that Taco Casa!

Pile on the goods. Lettuce, tomatoes, corn, avocado, red onions, seasoned beef, ranch dressing, cheddar cheese. Whatever your little heart desires.

Eat and enjoy.

Ranch Taco Salad
adapted from Taco Casa's version + Mom's Crazy Cooking
  • 1 head of green leaf lettuce
  • 1 lb ground beef cooked with Homemade Taco Mix
  • 1/2 cup corn
  • 5 oz (about 16) cherry tomatoes, halved and seasoned with salt and pepper
  • 1 avocado, diced
  • 1/2 red onion, sliced or diced 
  • 1/2 cup ranch dressing
  • 3/4 cup shredded cheddar cheese
  • Cool Ranch Doritos
Layer ingredients beginning with lettuce, then beef, then corn, tomatoes, avocado, and onion. Top with ranch dressing and then cheese. Adjust measurements according to your liking, or add or exclude any ingredients you don't like. Serve with Cool Ranch Doritos.

How do you like your taco salad? 

Aka how should I be eating mine?  :)

Peace, and bacon grease!

Linking up here.

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