

350 Best Vegan Recipes

350 Best Vegan Recipes
by Deb Roussou

Paperback, 384 pages

It's easy to fall into a rut with cooking. It's even easier with a limited diet. But eating vegan need not be boring! 350 Best Vegan Recipes delivers delicious and nutritious fare for any time of day, and even includes party foods, drinks, and sweets!

The book shows you how to stock a vegan pantry, gives you party meal planning recommendations, and opens up a whole new world of vegan recipes.

And what really sets this book apart from other vegan cookbooks is the "Vegan from Scratch" chapter which provides information on making everything from Vegan Bouillon to Soy Cream Cheese and Smokey Maple Tofu Bacon Slices. These recipes really bring a wholly authentic vegan lifestyle into the home kitchen!

Contents include:

Tools and Equipment
Vegan Pantry
Menu Suggestions

Vegan from Scratch
Small Plate Starters
Breakfast Anytime
Breads, Rolls and Crackers
Hot Vegetables and Cool Salads
The Mains
Beans, Pasta and Grains
Soups, Chilis and Curries
Sauces, Dips and Spreads
Dressings and Spice Blends
Cocktails, Drinks and Smoothies

Try some of these preview vegan recipes in your home - and discover how delicious vegan can be! 

Big Island Nori Rolls (page 38)
A sushi-style roll filled with Hawaiian macadamia nuts, sweet onion, jalapeño, avocado and cucumber has something for everyone. Don’t forget the wasabi and tamari for dipping, which some feel is the best part.

Makes 4 rolls

Fill a small bowl with water and 2 tbsp (30 mL) rice vinegar and use to wet fingertips to prevent sticking while rolling the rolls.

•    Food processor
•    Bamboo sushi rolling mat

1⁄2 cup walnut halves 125 mL
2 tbsp tamari 30 mL
2 cups sushi or short-grain rice, rinsed 500 mL
2 cups water 500 mL
3 tbsp rice vinegar 45 mL
7 tsp granulated sugar 35 mL
2 tsp salt 10 mL
3 tbsp freshly squeezed lime juice 45 mL
3 to 4 tbsp walnut or olive oil 45 to 60 mL
2 tbsp toasted sesame seeds 30 mL
1 tsp Hawaiian salt or sea salt 5 mL
1 sweet onion, cut into 1-inch (2.5 cm) 1 pieces
1 cup macadamia nuts 250 mL
1 jalapeño, seeded and quartered 1
3 tbsp chopped fresh cilantro 45 mL
4 sheets nori, toasted (see Tip) 4
1 avocado, thinly sliced 1
1 seedless cucumber, cut into matchsticks 1
2 tbsp rice wine vinegar 30 mL

1. In a small bowl, combine tamari and walnuts and set aside to soak for 2 hours.
2. Rice: Place rice in a medium saucepan, add water and bring to a boil over high heat. Cover, reduce heat to low and cook for 15 minutes. Remove pan from heat and let stand, covered, without stirring or lifting lid, for 10 minutes.
3. Meanwhile, in a small microwave-safe bowl, combine vinegar, sugar and salt. Microwave for 10 seconds and let cool.
To toast nori: Turn heat to medium-high on stovetop. Hold nori with metal tongs and toast about 4 inches (10 cm) above heat until darkened and crisp, 3 to 5 seconds per side. Let cool completely before using.
4. Fluff rice with a fork or paddle and transfer to a large bowl. Sprinkle vinegar mixture over rice while gently folding to combine and completely coat. Fan rice while fluffing until just warm.
5. Filling: In another small bowl, whisk together lime juice, 3 tbsp (45 mL) of the oil, sesame seeds and salt.
6. Drain walnuts. In food processor, pulse onion, macadamia nuts, walnuts, jalapeño and cilantro until finely chopped, 10 to 12 times. Add 1 tbsp (15 mL) of the lime juice mixture and pulse, adding additional juice mixture, 1 tbsp (15 mL) at a time, until mixture holds together.
7. Place bamboo rolling mat on work surface with bamboo strips running crosswise. Place a sheet of nori, shiny side down, lined up with mat edge closest to you. Cover nori sheet with about one-quarter of the rice, pressing and spreading until it is 1⁄4 inch (0.5 cm) thick and leaving a 11⁄2 inch (4 cm) border along edge farthest away from you.
8. Place one-quarter of the filling in a line on rice crosswise about 1 inch (2.5 cm) from nearest edge. Lay rows of avocado and cucumber slices crosswise along upper edge of filling row. Starting at nearest edge, lift bamboo mat and fold nori sheet over ingredients, rolling with a light but steady pressure and peeling mat back as you roll. Use finger to moisten riceless nori border with vinegar and finish rolling. Use mat to press gently but firmly to close and seal roll.
9. Repeat process with remaining ingredients to make 3 more rolls. Cut roll crosswise into 6 or 8 slices. Serve with wasabi and tamari for dipping.

Excerpted from 350 Best Vegan Recipesby Deb Roussou © 2012 Robert Rose Inc. www.robertrose.caReprinted with permission. All rights reserved.

Vegetable Paella (page 193)
With the colors of a Spanish landscape, this richly flavored one-pan meal is fun and festive. Dinner on the deck and a pitcher of sangria; now that’s relaxing. As cooking with seasonal vegetables produces superior flavors, use green beans if asparagus is unavailable.

Serves 6 to 8

When garlic is browned too quickly it will become bitter. If sautéing with other vegetables, add garlic toward the end of the browning process.

To ensure time with your guests, make the paella up to 1 day ahead. Refrigerate cooled paella in an airtight container for up to 2 days. Spread in paella pan, cover and reheat in a 350°F (180°C) oven for 25 to 30 minutes.

•    Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C)
•    Paella pan or large ovenproof skillet

3 tbsp olive oil 45 mL
1 onion, diced 1
1 large fennel bulb, trimmed and cut 1 into bite-size pieces
4 cloves garlic, chopped 4
2 cups short- or medium-grain white rice 500 mL
2 cups warm water 500 mL
11⁄2 cups dry white wine 375 mL
1⁄2 tsp paprika 2 mL
3⁄4 tsp saffron threads or ground turmeric 3 mL
1 tsp salt 5 mL
1 can (14 oz/400 mL) artichoke hearts 1 in water, drained
3⁄4 cup sliced drained oil-packed sun-dried 175 mL tomatoes
8 oz thin asparagus or green beans, trimmed 250 g and halved
1⁄3 cup green olives 75 mL
3 tbsp chopped Italian flat-leaf parsley 45 mL

1. Place paella pan over medium heat and let pan get hot. Add oil and tip pan to coat. Add onion and fennel and cook, stirring frequently, until vegetables begin to soften, 4 to 5 minutes. Add garlic and cook, stirring frequently, until onions and fennel are lightly browned, 3 to 5 minutes. Mix in rice, lightly coating all grains with oil. Stir in water, wine, paprika, saffron, salt, artichoke hearts and sun-dried tomatoes. Gently shake pan to distribute rice evenly. Reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes.
2. Remove pan from heat and scatter asparagus and green olives over rice. Cover pan and bake in preheated oven until rice is tender with a slightly crusted bottom, about 30 minutes.
3. Scatter chopped parsley over top and serve hot.

Excerpted from 350 Best Vegan Recipesby Deb Roussou © 2012 Robert Rose Inc. www.robertrose.caReprinted with permission. All rights reserved.

Rustic Open-Faced Peach Pie (page 365)
A blanket of sweet ground almonds surrounds plump peach halves in a flaky puffed crust. The easy glaze topping and a sprinkling of raw sugar finish it off beautifully.

Serves 6 to 8

•    Preheat oven to 400°F (200°C)
•    10-inch (25 cm) glass pie plate
•    Food processor

4 cups peach halves in light syrup 1 L (one 28 oz/796 mL can)
8 oz vegan frozen puff pastry, thawed (1 sheet) 250 g
1⁄3 cup raw sugar, divided 75 mL
1 cup chopped almonds 250 mL
2 tbsp vegan hard margarine 30 mL
1 tbsp vanilla bean paste 15 mL
1 tbsp plain soy yogurt or other vegan yogurt 15 mL
1⁄4 tsp ground nutmeg 1 mL
Pinch salt Pinch

1. Drain peaches, reserving 1⁄4 cup (60 mL) syrup. Pat peaches dry, lay on a kitchen towel and set aside.
2. On floured work surface, roll out puff pastry to a 16-inch (40 cm) square. Fit into pie plate, letting pastry corners hang over edges. Refrigerate while preparing filling.
3. Set aside 1 tsp (5 mL) raw sugar for topping and place remainder in food processor. Add almonds, margarine, vanilla bean paste, soy yogurt, nutmeg and salt and process for 30 seconds. Scrape down sides and process until fairly smooth, for 30 seconds more.
4. Spread almond mixture in prepared crust, building up mixture a little higher around edges. Place peach halves, cut side down, on top of almond mixture. Press down lightly. Fold corners of pastry over top of peaches, scrunching square pastry to fit in round pan.
5. Bake in preheated oven until almond filling (showing around peaches) looks dry and peaches have a slightly golden color, 45 to 50 minutes. If pastry seems to be browning too rapidly, cover edges with strips of foil. Let cool on rack 10 minutes.
6. Meanwhile, place reserved peach syrup in a microwave-safe bowl and microwave on High until reduced by half, 3 to 4 minutes. Brush syrup over peaches and sprinkle with reserved sugar. Serve warm or at room temperature.

Excerpted from 350 Best Vegan Recipesby Deb Roussou © 2012 Robert Rose Inc. www.robertrose.caReprinted with permission. All rights reserved.

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