

Look What I Won!

Ok so this is taking it back a few months... but I just wanted to brag tell you about a giveaway I won! I always enter giveaways, never expecting to win anything! And a few months back, all around the same time, I won 3 different giveaways! Can you believe it? I hardly couldn't! One of the giveaways was for some Spike Seasonings, but I never received them. I just now thought about it! But the other two prizes I did receive.... One was for a bag of natural flavored lip balms from My Lip Stuff, courtesy of Retro Housewife. And the other was for.....


Gourmet Mom was giving away the Michael Chiarello Bottega cookbook, and a box of Progresso lemon pepper panko bread crumbs. I hoard cookbooks, so I was all over that. And I love panko! I was so happy to win : )

I can't wait to host my own giveaway one of these days! The next time CSN Stores offer me one...

And yes, that giveaway was from November 2010. That's how late I am!

Peace, and bacon grease!

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