

Nacho Chicken Bake

I have already shared with you my love of a particular seasoning, and this recipe was a great place to use it. Well really, any recipe is a good one to use it if you ask me. Yes you guessed it, that delicious Grippo's seasoning! I wanted to use it in this Nacho Chicken Bake recipe that I discovered from my fellow blogging friend (and inspiration!) Krista

I made some modifications to Krista's original recipe. One of those was that I didn't use canned chicken. Instead, I had three bone-in chicken thighs with the skin on, so I seasoned them with the Grippo's seasoning before cooking.

Then I baked them at 350° until fully cooked and then diced them into smaller pieces. You can remove the skin if you would like, or use canned chicken or even boneless skinless chicken breasts. This is just what I had on hand. I probably would prefer the boneless skinless chicken breasts because the skin is useless in this recipe.

Another modification I made was that I halved the recipe, since I was making it just for the two of us. So I spread out 4 or 5 cups of cheesy Doritos on the bottom of a greased casserole dish instead of the 8 cups of Doritos that the original recipe calls for. You can grease the dish with butter or cooking spray. I'm pretty sure I used butter because I didn't have cooking spray at the time. I feel like I should have a picture for this step, but I don't. But you get the gist.  Doritos spread on bottom of dish.

Then in a large bowl, I combined a 10 3/4 oz. can of mushroom soup, 1/2 cup of salsa, 1 cup shredded Mexican cheese (I didn't half the cheese amount), 1/2 of a diced onion, 2 oz. diced jalapenos, and the cooked diced chicken. I mixed well and then poured it over the chips and spread evenly to cover the entire casserole dish.

Then I sprinkled some additional cheese on top of the uncooked casserole and then baked at 350° for 35 minutes. The finished product was delicious! You can eat it as is, or like PJ who ate it in a tortilla. 

He is a creative one, that man! I just ate mine as is, with a fork and a smile  :)

Nacho Chicken Bake adapted from Krista
  • 4-5 cups cheesy Doritos
  • 3 bone-in chicken thighs with the skin on
  • Grippo's Seasoning
  • 1 can (10 3/4 oz.) cream of mushroom soup
  • 1/2 cup salsa
  • 1 cup shredded Mexican cheese
  • 1/2 an onion, diced
  • 2 oz. diced jalapenos
  • additional cheese for topping
Preheat oven to 350°. Season chickens with Grippo's seasoning, and then bake at 350° until fully cooked. Then dice chicken into small pieces.

Spread Doritos evenly onto the bottom of a greased casserole dish.

Combine soup, salsa, cheese, onion, jalapenos, and cooked chicken in a large bowl and mix together. Then spread the mixture over top of the chips, spreading evenly throughout to cover everywhere. Sprinkle the top with additional cheese.

Bake at 350° for 35 minutes.

**I am linking this one to Foodie Fridays.


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