

Day Nine

Day Nine: Two words that describe your life right now.

1. Unorganized - My house is unorganized. There is always something that needs to be cleaned or organized. I need help with decorating! Basically I need help with making my house look like a home. Also, I am so unorganized with the whole grad school process... what to do first, what do I want to do, what school, any scholarships etc? I just feel like I need some order in my life.

2. Sick - I threw up this morning and feel like crap. I also am starting to feel the beginning signs of sickness, like a cold or the flu. Man, this happens every year. I wish I knew how to take better care of myself so I didn't get so sick every year  :(  Oh well, the show must go on. Or should I say, the work must go on....

So glad to be able to keep that short and sweet. Not in much of a blogging mood. 
Just need nap. 

And medicine. 

And PJ's arms.

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