

Oreo Truffles {Week 10 of The 12 Weeks of Christmas Cookies and Sweets!}

Ok, ok I know it's not really week 10 of The 12 Weeks of Christmas challenge. It's actually Christmas eve!! 

Merry Christmas eve, everybody. I'm so excited, like a little kid. I love opening presents and watching my loved ones open theirs. I can't wait to start a family of our own and make traditions with our little ones, like leaving out milk and cookies for Santa, and recording them opening their gifts every year.

But I'm getting ahead of myself here. No babies yet.

But I do have these babies! Oreo truffles. I'm sure you've seen them around blogland before. I just knew I had to make them and add them to my Christmas cookie collection.

Oreo Truffles
ever so slightly adapted from Chef n Training 
Chop oreos up finely in a food processor. Save some of the finely crushed oreos for garnish later and set aside.

With your hands, mash the softened cream cheese and crushed oreos in a large bowl until well combined.

Roll the mixture into 1" balls and place on a wax covered cookie sheet. Place in the freezer for at least 30 minutes to allow to harden.

Once balls have hardened, melt the white chocolate in a microwave-safe bowl according to directions.

Pull the oreo truffles out of the freezer and dip into the chocolate. Garnish with reserved oreo crumbs before the chocolate sets. Refrigerate and enjoy.

*Note: You can use regular oreos, or double stuffed oreos, if you don't think you'd like the berry-flavored oreos. Also, you can use up to 8 oz of cream cheese, depending what consistency you want the truffle to be. I think I ended up using a 12 oz package of white chocolate chips for melting. I also used a deep cup with tall sides to make dipping the balls into the chocolate easier. I used a toothpick to dip them in, but often times they kept getting stuck in the melted chocolate. Maybe it would work to use a fork to roll and coat the balls evenly in the chocolate, instead. With practice, I'll learn the perfect technique hopefully and keep you guys posted. 

Printable Recipe

You've gotta add these to your holiday baking treat list. The recipe is simple enough and definitely a keeper. Not gonna lie though, I do have problems making them look as pretty as some... that dang white chocolate can be tricky to work with... for me at least. But some of my truffles turned out better than others (I just don't photograph those ones), and with practice I bet I can make them even prettier. They sure did taste great!

I'm off to open a Christmas eve present with my love. Maybe I'll have a cup of egg nog, too.

As always, I want to thank Brenda for hosting and putting up with my lateness. Be sure to check out the other holiday treats in the blog hop below:

Peace, and bacon grease!


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