

Menu Planning - Week of 12/6/10

I am so happy to be getting back into the swing of things. I barely posted in November! I haven't menu planned in what seems like ages. And now I am ready for some order and stability back in my life! 

Tuesday 12/7:  baked tilapia with creamy lemon dill sauce

Wednesday 12/8:  eat out (tag football night)

Thursday 12/9:  buffalo chicken lasagna

Friday 12/10:  ranch chicken

Saturday 12/11:  pan-roasted garlic and lemon chicken

I am linking up to Menu Planning Monday over at I'm An Organized Junkie. She is my idol. Oh how I wish I could be ultra organized like her!

**I also have many recipes to post, as well as that dang CSN review! Thanks for bearing with me, people  :)

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