

Menu Planning - Week of 11/15/10

I'm keeping this short today. I am super busy! I wasn't as on top of my game this week as I hoped to be. I didn't go to the grocery store over the weekend. We didn't end up eating all of the meals on last week's menu plan, so some are carrying over into this week. I may have to make a mid-week stop at the store to pick up a few items, but we should make it until Friday (pay day!). As usual, I'm linking up to Menu Plan Mondays.

Sunday 11/14:  nacho chicken bake with corn

Monday 11/15:  chicken alfredo with baked beans for two

Tuesday 11/16:  pan-roasted garlic and lemon chicken with cornbread or rotini

Wednesday 11/17:  eat out (tag football night)

Thursday 11/18:  basil scallops with mac n cheese for two

Friday 11/19 = payday! Which means a trip to the grocery store :)

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