

Restaurant Review : Louisiana Fish Bar in Price Hill/Fairmount

I like fried, battered shrimp. Usually. So I thought I would try Louisiana Fish Bar in Fairmount (or Price Hill, I am not quite sure of the exact neighborhood). It is adjacent to and a part of Murray's Pub now, but I have never tried the pub. The fish bar is that tiny section on the far left of the building (when facing it).

I had called in a pickup order and the lady on the phone didn't sound particularly friendly. When I arrived, I entered to find no cashier at the register, and a cook was lingering in the back just looking at me, then finally came up and said that the cashier would be back shortly. She finally came back, and seemed pissed at the world. I figured this was probably the same "unfriendly" voice I had heard on the phone when I called to place my order. She made me feel like I was inconveniencing her by coming to pick up my food. I thought maybe she was just that kind of person, not great with customer service skills, but then when I was paying I heard her cheerfully yell to a departing drunk customer that she would see him next time and a smile lit up her face. Ok, so she does know customer service, she just chose not to treat me well. I guess you have to be a regular around there to be treated well? Of course, like I said, I don't know how it is next door at Murray's, but the environment at the fish bar wasn't a pleasant one.

All dinners come with grilled peppers and onions, french fries, and two slices of bread. They don't have a big selection on their menu, considering it is just a fish place.

I ordered the 4 piece cod dinner and I was pretty excited about it. As I said, I am always looking for quality fried fish. Unfortunately, I didn't find it. The fish wasn't anything special (it wasn't bad either) but I wasn't a fan of the tartar sauce that came with it. To me, that's like having no peanut butter with your jelly sandwich, or having no butter for your bread. Tartar sauce is a MUST for me when it comes to fish. So that was a disappointment.

And those fries underneath were just pure sogginess. Granted, they did have to survive a five minute drive back to my house. But these fries were just a sogfest! It probably didn't help that they bury them under the fish which may have also affected the quality of the fries. OR they just weren't cooked enough. Let's leave it at that.

The fish did come with grilled peppers and onions which is a good idea at least. But they couldn't save the yucky tartar sauce and soggy fries. Overall I was just not very impressed. The food wasn't anything special, and the setting wasn't inviting. I definitely won't be back here again. It is hard for me to say that I would try Murray's.... because if the service is anything like that of the fish bar, I am better off not wasting the gas to drive to this place.

I know I may have pissed a few westsiders off, but we all got opinions :)

Louisiana Fish Bar on Urbanspoon

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