

Skordalia! For Serious Garlic Breath

We are celebrating white foods and white ingredients at I♥CookingClubs this week and I got my garlic on with skordalia. Apparently skordalia is the Greek vehicle for garlic. Serious garlic. And lemon. This dish is not for the faint of heart, or the underworld set - but it is bracingly delicious.

adapted from Tessa Kiros, Food From Many Greek Kitchens
for I♥CC, White as Snow

1 lb, 5 oz Yukon gold potatoes
8 cloves garlic
Juice of 2 lemons
¾ cup extra virgin olive oil
Kosher salt and fresh ground black pepper to taste (be generous!)

Chop your garlic and put it into a mortar and pestle. Add salt and grind into a paste.
Boil your spuds in salted water, in their skins, until tender.
Push them through a ricer into a tall bowl.
Add garlic, lemon juice, olive oil and salt and pepper.
Stir well with a wooden spoon and adjust seasonings to taste.
Serve with some hearty Greek meats and veggies and enjoy your vampire-free life.

IHCCIHCC Tessa Kiros Button

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