

Smoked Crab at Rasane (Surabaya, Indonesia)

If there is one thing I have to eat when I come back to Indonesia, it'll be CRAB. Crab in spicy sauce, crab with salted eggs, or smoked crab. Whichever it is, I want it.
This time around, I went to try a new(ish) seafood place called Rasane, which is famous for their smoked crab (kepiting asap). Rasane in Indonesian means "the flavor" or "the taste".
As with most seafood places in Indonesia, they serve live seafood kept in tanks. Customers would go up to the tanks and pick out which crab, fish, lobster, etc they want to eat that night. Or you can just tell them how much you want and have them pick it out for you.
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Indonesia Street Eats: Soto Ayam Tidar (Surabaya)

There are few better ways to spend your time in Surabaya than eating your heart out at a street side dive late at night. When my cousins were visiting from Singapore, we did just that. A bowl of Soto Ayam (chicken turmeric soup) on the side of the road, wooden benches, old style glass soda bottles. Tropical heat with a side of night breeze mixed in with street fumes. This is Soto Ayam & STMJ Tidar, a street stall on a street called Tidar.
(STMJ refers to "susu telur madu jahe", which translate to "milk egg honey ginger". It's a traditional health drink).

Soto ayam is a chicken soup made with turmeric, ginger, curcuma, galangal, and more. At Soto Ayam Tidar, the soup is filled with chicken (ayam kampung, aka "village chicken" which is much more flavorful than the farmed kind) and you can choose between meat, skin, or offals, rice noodles, and egg. The best one to get at this place is the soft boiled egg but they were out that night. It's also served with rice either in the soup or on the side.

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Saltine Toffee aka Christmas Crack.... 2 Ways {Week 11 of The 12 Weeks of Christmas Cookies and Sweets!}

Ho, Ho, Ho.... Merry Christmas!!!

I spent the day with my loved ones, as I hope all of you did, so I've scheduled this post for you today. 

I've got some crack for you :)

Not the illegal crack that can kill you. But this totally legal Christmas crack that could also probably kill you if you eat it too much. But before it does it will make you oh so happy.

"Christmas crack" for you on Christmas. My gift to all of you!

This stuff really is like crack. Actually I can't say that. I've never tried crack before and never plan to. But this stuff is addictive. I was wanting to save some to gift in little goodie bags for mine and PJ's coworkers, and both of our families. But I think I'll have to make another batch because we've been snacking on it nonstop! I plan on taking a little of this batch to my future mama-in-law to try, as well as one of PJ's coworkers. They both are always so supportive of my blog so of course I like to share my successes with them. Also I took some to my family's house today for Christmas to see what they thought about it and they all really liked it, especially my brother. He kept making "mmm" noises and making those faces that you make when something tastes almost too good to be true. I'll have to whip up some more for small gifts to others.

There are two ways to make your Christmas crack:

1. with milk chocolate Heath toffee bits


2. with chocolate and chopped nuts

Both are delicious, but I like the toffee one best. Something about the intense sweetness of the heath bits mixed with the saltiness of the crackers. Man oh man. The chocolate and nuts ones are delicious as well but not as sweet in my opinion. Dare I suggest using the toffee bits, chocolate, and nuts? Double dog dare. I'd eat a plate of either kind as my last "meal" on earth if I had the option. It's that good, people.

Which is probably a bad thing. For my health, anyways. I want it so bad, but it can't be healthy for me, I realize. Man, this really is starting to sound like a straight-up addiction! Tina's right, I'm hooked.

Saltine Toffee (aka Christmas Crack) - 2 Ways
ever so slightly adapted from Mommy's Kitchen
  • 1 and 1/2 sleeves saltine crackers*
  • 1 and 1/4 cups butter
  • 1 and 1/4 cup dark brown sugar
  • 6 oz milk chocolate chips
  • 1/2 cup chopped pecans
  • 4 oz Heath milk chocolate toffee bits
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Line a rimmed baking sheet with foil. Lay crackers out on sheet in one layer. In a medium saucepan, add the butter and brown sugar together, stir often and bring to a full rolling boil. After it comes to a full rolling boil, boil the mixture for 3 minutes.

Pour the "caramel" mixture over the saltine layer and bake for 5 minutes. Remove from the oven and sprinkle half of the crackers with chocolate chips and wait until they are almost melted and then spread the chocolate evenly all over the saltines. Sprinkle the chopped pecans all over the top of the chocolate as evenly as possible. Sprinkle the milk chocolate toffee bits evenly over the remaining saltine crackers. Refrigerate for two hours and then break it up into pieces and store in an air tight container.

*Note: My saltine crackers box had tiny packs of crackers within it, so I didn't really use 1 and 1/2 sleeves. Just make sure to completely cover the baking sheet with a single layer of crackers.

Printable Recipe

I just love the mix of salty and sweet. Each bite is like a foodgasm in my mouth.
Just this once, it's ok to be an addict. I won't judge you, I'm right there with you. We'll get through this together....

I'm linking this up to Week 11 of The 12 Weeks of Christmas Cookies and Sweets. Thanks for hosting, Brenda. I hope all of you will check out the other goodies in the blog hop below:

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night! 

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Oreo Truffles {Week 10 of The 12 Weeks of Christmas Cookies and Sweets!}

Ok, ok I know it's not really week 10 of The 12 Weeks of Christmas challenge. It's actually Christmas eve!! 

Merry Christmas eve, everybody. I'm so excited, like a little kid. I love opening presents and watching my loved ones open theirs. I can't wait to start a family of our own and make traditions with our little ones, like leaving out milk and cookies for Santa, and recording them opening their gifts every year.

But I'm getting ahead of myself here. No babies yet.

But I do have these babies! Oreo truffles. I'm sure you've seen them around blogland before. I just knew I had to make them and add them to my Christmas cookie collection.

Oreo Truffles
ever so slightly adapted from Chef n Training 
Chop oreos up finely in a food processor. Save some of the finely crushed oreos for garnish later and set aside.

With your hands, mash the softened cream cheese and crushed oreos in a large bowl until well combined.

Roll the mixture into 1" balls and place on a wax covered cookie sheet. Place in the freezer for at least 30 minutes to allow to harden.

Once balls have hardened, melt the white chocolate in a microwave-safe bowl according to directions.

Pull the oreo truffles out of the freezer and dip into the chocolate. Garnish with reserved oreo crumbs before the chocolate sets. Refrigerate and enjoy.

*Note: You can use regular oreos, or double stuffed oreos, if you don't think you'd like the berry-flavored oreos. Also, you can use up to 8 oz of cream cheese, depending what consistency you want the truffle to be. I think I ended up using a 12 oz package of white chocolate chips for melting. I also used a deep cup with tall sides to make dipping the balls into the chocolate easier. I used a toothpick to dip them in, but often times they kept getting stuck in the melted chocolate. Maybe it would work to use a fork to roll and coat the balls evenly in the chocolate, instead. With practice, I'll learn the perfect technique hopefully and keep you guys posted. 

Printable Recipe

You've gotta add these to your holiday baking treat list. The recipe is simple enough and definitely a keeper. Not gonna lie though, I do have problems making them look as pretty as some... that dang white chocolate can be tricky to work with... for me at least. But some of my truffles turned out better than others (I just don't photograph those ones), and with practice I bet I can make them even prettier. They sure did taste great!

I'm off to open a Christmas eve present with my love. Maybe I'll have a cup of egg nog, too.

As always, I want to thank Brenda for hosting and putting up with my lateness. Be sure to check out the other holiday treats in the blog hop below:

Peace, and bacon grease!


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Happy Holidays!

Since I'm on vacation in Indonesia this holiday season, I didn't have time to compile any Christmas/New Year's listings. Sorry about that, guys! But I'm sure other blogs had done a good job on that for you.

The Pig's on vacay!
Hope everyone is having a great holiday. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
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Trotter's Protege Meets Chinese Bao at The Chairman Truck

Fine dining chefs jumping ship to sell casual, comfort food is not just a trend that started in the past year. Chef Hiro Nagahara, formerly chef de cuisine at Bar Charlie (Charlie Trotter) in Las Vegas worked with Mobi Munch to start The Chairman Truck in 2009, selling chinese steamed buns with unique, high end fillings like spiced duck confit in San Francisco.

(The Chairman was originally named The Chairman Bao, but then they got sued by Baohaus in NY since "chairman bao" was apparently the first item on their menu. Gotta admit, it's such a catchy name.)
Tofu Bao
Mobi Munch is actually an LA-based company, and when they outfitted The Chairman's second truck, they decided to hold a tasting for friends and media before sending it off to SF. The tasting was held at Mobi Munch headquarters in downtown LA, where I tried five of their offerings. The buns are usually $3.25 each for steamed bao ($6.75 for baked - not sure how big these are), $3.75 for duck confit and pork belly.

1st bao: Tender Pork Belly with Pickled Daikon
Pork Bun
First, let's talk about the bao itself. The bao is made using a 40 year old yeast brought from China 20 years ago by the SF truck operator, Curtis Lam's uncle who was the executive chef of Yank Sing. The warm bao was great, neither too thick nor too doughy.

The pork belly was tender, not overly fatty, and the crunchy, tart, pickled daikon was the perfect accompaniment to cut the richness. The daikon is, of course, pickled in-house ("in-truck"?)

The 2nd bao is a spinoff of korean spicy chicken: Spicy Red Sesame Chicken with pickled cucumber and carrots
Chicken Bao

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Menu Planning - Week of 12/19/11

I've been a naughty blogger. I've neglected this here blog during the time I wanted to be there the most. I've wanted to share tons of Christmas goodies with you all month, but man time just gets away from me. And here it is, almost the end of the month and I've only given you a few posts here and there. Bad Desi, bad.

Maybe it's because I'm getting a new camera soon and have no motivation to photograph anything with my old point and shoot unless absolutely necessary. Or maybe it's all this Christmas shopping I'm doing that leaves hardly any time to even think about blogging. Not sure, but I hope to at least finish my 12 Weeks of Christmas posts before the new year!

I figured to get back in the hang of blogging, I should get back to my menu planning posts. Man, I haven't followed a menu plan in weeks. A couple weeks ago I was incredibly sick, so I did no cooking at all! This past week we didn't do much cooking either. I think yesterday was the first day we actually got back in the groove of cooking at home. We've both missed it, we agree. Some good old bacon, omelets, and hashbrowns really hit the spot for dinner last night. Definitely beats eating out anyday.

Monday 12/19/11:  Cold Avocado Soup with Sweet Corn and Bacon + ciabatta bread

Tuesday 12/20/11:  breakfast for dinner

Wednesday 12/21/11:  Buttermilk Cornbread Topped Chili

Thursday 12/22/11:  eat out

Friday 12/23/11:  Oven Baked Frito Pie

Sunday 12/25/11:  CHRISTMAS!! dinner at my Mama's  :)

Merry Christmas week!!! I hope you all get everything you wanted. Hopefully I'll be back throughout the week with some 12 weeks of Christmas treats.....

I said hopefully....

Peace, and bacon grease!

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Fukuburger (Hollywood)

Fukuburger originally started as a food truck in Las Vegas and was apparently popular enough that they decided to open a brick and mortar in Hollywood. Fukuburger Hollywood now serves their burgers until 4 am!

I recently went to a tasting lunch with other media types. Instead of ordering, they were bringing out food periodically. I arrived later than a couple of other girls so I had missed out the one I wanted to try the most, the Tamago/Egg Burger. Some people said this was their favorite, too. Oh, well, I still got to try a lot of the other burgers.

The burgers are all $7, a pretty good price considering burger prices at various restaurants these days (especially in Hollywood!). I focused on trying the more interesting options, like this Kinoko/ "Mushroom" Burger - Fuku patty with grilled shiitake mushrooms, pickled red ginger, teriyaki, wasabi mayo
Fuku patty is just what they call their burger patty, which they use in all their burgers. I like the umami from the shiitake in this one, and the pickled red ginger helps refresh the palate so you can eat more.

Bacon lovers, get the Buta Burger with Fuku patty, applewood smoked bacon, cheese, pickled red onion, red ginger, Japanese BBQ sauce, wasabi mayo
This was the first burger I tried here and I definitely liked it. A fried egg would make this perfect.

For the non-beef eaters, there is the Chicken Katsu Burger with Panko encrusted chicken, cabbage, "crack sauce" and katsu sauce.
Chicken Burger
The chicken katsu was nice and crispy while keeping the meat moist.

What I enjoyed the most was actually an off-menu item, a breakfast special that the chef brought out! Fries are topped with bacon, onion rings, onions, and a runny egg!

They have fries, of course, but most people get the Jazz fries which topped with gravy and "crack sauce" (no, they wouldn't tell me what's in it)

They only have a beer and wine license, so aside from the decent beer list, you can expect things like sake or soju sangria and beer floats.
The decor is vibrant and fun with red walls and red tables and benches. A screen displays tweets about Fukuburger. You might want to avoid going to the bathroom here while drunk, though. The bathroom is lit red which was a little disconcerting to me ..

Go for: late night burgers (open til 4 am) at friendly prices.

1634 N Cahuenga Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90028
(323) 464-3858
Fukuburger on Urbanspoon

Disclosure: this meal was hosted
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WWDB? Red Velvet Chocolate Milk

Go to Target and buy this.


It's Christmas in a glass.

Yep, holiday red velvet chocolate milk.

I first discovered it last Christmas season and have been waiting all year to get some more. Seriously, they need to sell this stuff all year long. Just take off the "holiday" and red velvet milk can be enjoyed any time of year, in my humble red-velvet lovin' opinion.

But for now, since it's not sold all year round, make sure to stock up on this stuff next time you're at Target. I didn't think there was any way to make chocolate milk better. There is... just make it red velvet chocolate milk. Sold!

Peace, and bacon grease!

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Indonesian Street Eats: Martabak Mesir (Egyptian Omelet)

Even when I was younger and couldn't eat spicy food at all I looked forward to going to the Padang restaurant, Rumah Makan Sederhana. Why? Because in front of it, they sell Martabak Mesir, a.k.a. Egyptian Omelet!
This martabak mesir is a typical dish of the Minang people in West Sumatra. Martabak itself is an Arabic word meaning "folded" and is a typical dish of Saudi Arabia, Brunei, and of course Indonesia and Malaysia. How this particular version came to have the name Mesir or Egyptian, I have no idea either.

Despite being attached to the restaurant, you still have to order your omelet at the little stand at the front.
The guy would spin and spin the skin until it stretched thin and big enough for the "omelet"

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Surabaya, Indonesia

My hometown and all the good food I miss!

Bebek Goreng Mon Mon (fried duck)
Citrus Lee Restaurant
Hana Sushi
J. Co (Donuts and Coffee Shop)
Kedai Sabindo
Kogyo BBQ (Korean-Mexican fusion, SUTOS)
Kue Leker food cart (in front of Ayam Penyet Bu Kris in Tenggilis)
Layar Seafood
Martabak Mesir (Egyptian Omelet, Rumah Sederhana)
Rasane Seafood (smoked crab)
Sari Nusantara (Padang cuisine)

Soto Ambengan
Soto Ayam Tidar

Thai Village

Ikan Bakar Cianjur
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The Churchill (West Hollywood)

The former space that was Minestraio has finally come alive again, giving the Orlando Hotel guests a place to dine in a completely revamped setting and the West Hollywood crowd another late night hangout. Some have been calling The Churchill, from the people that also brought us The Hudson, a "gastropub", but the kitchen headed by Executive Chef Spencer Johnston does not serve typical "gastropub" food and beverage director John Rankin has also created a cocktail-heavy program.

The Pike ($12) is made with sweet bell pepper muddled with basil, galangal syrup and lime juice, Cazadores Reposado tequila, mescal rinse.
The Revolver ($12) is an instant favorite, made with fire roasted pepper infused Herra Dura Blanco tequila, hibiscus reduction, agave nectar, lime, cassis, xocolatl mole shaken and served on the rocks with a jalapeno slice.

Not stopping there, we also tried the pumpkin infused rum which had quite a strong pumpkin aroma. The wine list also contains some interesting selections like Torrontes, a white wine from the high altitude regions of Argentina.

The charcuterie features La Quercia prosciutto and house-cured meats including a rabbit and pork pate, housemade blood sausage, and Housemade crostini.
Misty point kumamoto oysters
Chef Johnston regularly acquires produce from the Santa Monica Farmers Market and is a big fan of Windrose Farms. I, on the other hand, was a big fan of his Grilled Local Octopus salad, market beans, frisee, chorizo, sherry dressing ($15)
Octopus Salad

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AYCE Pizza, Beer Flights, and More at Mohawk Bend

Mondays are happy days at Mohawk Bend with their all-you-can-eat pizza nights for only $15. But wait! For the rest of the year (2010), the AYCE pizza is only $12!! Even better!
The AYCE pizza nights take place in the Ramona Room which, when it isn't packed, makes for a good date night with its fireplace and arching tree (I'm not sure how crowded Mondays are now, though).

Instead of ordering, servers with trays of thin crust pizza fresh from the oven walks around and offers you a slice. Most of the pizzas on the menu will make its way out during the night, except for the Pig Newton (since Serrano ham is expensive, yo).
We tried quite a few that night, including a vegan pizza, a Thai chicken pizza, the Private Idaho (with potatoes, bacon, caramelized onions, creme fraiche), and the Abe Froman (house-made Italian sausage, peppers, fennel, mozzarella). The vegan pizza made with Daiya cheese was not too bad, but of course I will stick with the spicy Thai chicken pizza. You can also get a green salad for $4 extra.

Mohawk Bend is all about beer, of course, so you'll need some to wash down the pies. 5-7pm are flight hours at Mohawk, featuring two beer flights at $9 each, but you can get these beer flights in the Ramona Room all night. If you're not into the flights, you can also get specially-priced cocktails.

While waiting for the rest of our party, LA OC Foodie and I got one each of the available flights: the Bitter flight and the Dark. As LA OC Foodie said, we were dark and bitter people.
Point the Way, Picket Fence Wheat IPA, Stone Cali-Belgique, Mongo DIPA
Brekle's Brown, DDH 15th Anniv, Navigator Doppelbock, Stone IRS 2010

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December's Secret Recipe Club - Peanut Butter Cookies w/ Peanut Butter Buttercream

Hey yall!

I'm back for another edition of The Secret Recipe Club. Why haven't you joined yet?

For December, I was assigned Katie's delightful blog, Betcha Can't Eat Just One. Man I need to get more on my baking grind like Katie!

Several recipes were calling my name, but when I saw her Peanut Butter Buttercream, I knew it was the one. PJ and I had recently ordered a dozen cupcakes and a few of them had this delicious peanut butter buttercream, so I had to try my hand at it. I decided to make her homemade Peanut Butter Cookies too (minus the bacon) to go along with the buttercream, since I'm not too big on brownies. Genius, I know. And the cookies are supposedly gluten-free so, win-win.

Peanut Butter Cookies with Peanut Butter Buttercream
adapted from Betcha Can't Eat Just One

Peanut Butter Cookies
  • 1 cup smooth peanut butter
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp baking soda
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Beat the peanut butter and sugars together for about 2 minutes.  Add the egg and the baking soda.  Mix two minutes more.

Roll into walnut size balls, roll in sugar and flatten with a fork.

Bake 10-12 minutes. 

Let cool 5 minutes on the pan and then transfer to wire racks.

Peanut Butter Buttercream 
  • 1/2 cup of softened, unsalted butter,
  • 1/2 cup of peanut butter, 
  • about 3/4 cup powdered sugar
  • pinch of salt
  • 1 tbsp heavy cream. 
Beat the butter and peanut butter until it’s well combined.  Add the sugar, pinch of salt, then drizzle in some heavy cream and mix until everything is light and fluffy. Spread buttercream over cookies or make sandwich cookies. 

Printable Recipe

Make a cookie samich!

And don't forget to check out all of the other delectable recipes in the blog hop below:

Peace, and bacon grease!

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Sunday Brunch at Nola's (Downtown LA)

LA needs more Cajun places and Nola's in Downtown LA moved in to fill part of the gap. I was pretty excited to try it when they invited me in, but my schedule only allowed to come for Sunday brunch.
I didn't realize that the Sunday brunch was a champagne buffet until I got there. I was planning to try their jambalaya, gumbo, and po'boy but they weren't offered at the buffet. Oh well ...
The buffet offerings included fried chicken, fried catfish, shrimp Étouffée, red bean and rice, beignets, and fruits. Oh, and of course, free flowing mimosas.
Both the fried chicken and fried catfish were great, I went back for seconds for both of these. Since the beignets were put out buffet style, they were unfortunately not that fresh and kind of hard. I liked the shrimp Étouffée too - the good thing about having the buffet style is that I could get as many shrimp as I wanted.

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Foie Friday #5: Foie Gras Wars, Ethical Foie Gras in Spain

I started reading Foie Gras Wars, by Mark Caro. The first chapter talks about the beginning of the foie gras ban in Chicago. Supposedly, the controversy gained significant attention from the masses because of a comment Charlie Trotter made about another chef, Rick Tramonto. Trotter had silently removed foie gras from his menu for two years and slowly it became known that he had refused to serve foie gras because of what he had seen at foie gras farms lately disillusioned him. Fellow chefs' responses ranged from support to acceptance to disapproval. Rick Tramonto had the latter view and apparently Trotter said that they should just eat Tramonto's liver because "he [was] certainly fat enough." Since people love scandals and fights, this of course made the news and garnered the foie gras controversy a lot of traction. According to the author, even people who had not heard of foie gras before were then either going to restaurants to eat the stuff or camping out in protest.

I also wanted to share the following video from TEDTalks, which foodiebuddha had also shared with me. In it, Blue Hill's Chef, Dan Barber, talks about an ethical foie gras farm he visited in Spain. The farmer, Edouardo Sousa, allows the goose to roam around and eat whatever they want. No gavage here, and the resulting liver beat its force-fed counterparts in 2006, when it won a prize for best foie gras.

If foie gras farming can be this ethical, then we can have our cake (foie) and eat it too!
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Mariscos El Mazateno (Tijuana, Mexico)

My last trip to Tijuana with Street Gourmet LA took me back to Mariscos El Mazateno, a Sinaloan seafood taqueria. I came here on my first trip to TJ, but back then I was even weaker to spicy food as I am now so it was nice to revisit and enjoy it even better this time.

The must order here is the Taco Mazatena (shrimp/camarones enchilado), a taco packed full of fresh, crisp, lightly spicy shrimp. If you walk by the kitchen, you can see them cooking the spicy shrimp in a giant pot.
Taco Mazatena
Dress this with the available condiments including cabbage, crema, pico de gallo, and a bottle of house made spicy green sauce made with avocado and serrano chili. The shrimp taco to end all shrimp tacos!

The meals start with a styrofoam cup of shrimp consomme.
While waiting for our tacos, they served us a plate of seafood cocktail including shrimp, octopus, scallops, and more.

If you have room for another after the heaping shrimp taco, try the smoked marlin taco, equally stuffed to the brim.
Smoked Marlin

The pulpo/octopus was also popular among the other diners.

The tacos here cost up to 40 pesos (around $3) and considering how much seafood you get with them, it's not bad at all. Whatever the price may be, the taco mazatena is a must try!

El Mazateno
Mariscos El Mazateno
Calzada Tecnologico,No. 473-E
Tomas Aquino
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Raspberry Truffle Fudge {Crazy Cooking Challenge + Week 9 of The 12 Weeks of Christmas Cookies and Sweets!}

Hey yall!


This month for the Crazy Cooking Challenge, we are all trying to find the ultimate fudge recipe. I have bookmarked a ton that were in the running, but I finally settled on this recipe because I thought it was pretty unique, plus I can always count on Cassie's recipes.

Yes, friends. Raspberry Truffle Fudge. Doesn't it sound fancy and amazing all on its own? I think so.

Raspberry Truffle Fudge
  • 3 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips
  • 14-oz can sweetened condensed milk
  • 1 and 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • pinch or two of salt

  • 1/4 cup heavy cream
  • 1/3 cup raspberry preserves
  • 2 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips
Spray a 9x9 inch pan with cooking spray and line with wax paper. 

In a microwave-safe bowl, combine 3 cups chocolate chips and condensed milk. Heat in microwave until chocolate melts, stirring occasionally. Don't let it scorch. Stir in the vanilla and salt. Spread into pan and cool to room temperature.

Now, in a microwave-safe bowl, heat raspberry preserves until smooth. Strain seeds using a fine mesh strainer. Stir in cream and 2 cups chocolate chips. Heat in the microwave until the chocolate melts and stir until smooth. Cool to lukewarm, then pour over the fudge layer.

Refrigerate until both layers are completely set, about 1 hour. Cut into 1 inch pieces.

Printable Recipe

*Note: I used a loaf pan instead of a 9x9 inch dish. I did spray it with cooking spray but didn't line it with parchment paper because I didn't have any, and because I'd tried using foil before and didn't like how it stuck to the fudge. So I just poured the mixture directly into the loaf pan. I would recommend using parchment paper if you can though, because it was difficult cutting it out of the loaf pan and getting perfectly serrated pieces. 

Basically, do it like Cassie does it.

Also I had problems removing the seeds through a fine mesh strainer. None of the raspberry preserves would filter through the strainer, so I ended up not being able to de-seed the preserves. So some of my fudge pieces had little seeds in them. I just ignored them when eating the fudge, which is otherwise delicious! But definitely de-seed if you can. Wonder if I just had a crappy strainer or how others got that to work well??

Vote for The Ultimate FUDGE recipe by clicking on the "like" buttons in the blog hop below. I sure would appreciate a vote from you... I'm #73  :)

And since I can, I'm also submitting this as my week 9 entry of The 12 Weeks of Christmas Cookies and Sweets, cuz it's also a perfect holiday treat! Your friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, ANYONE who receives these as gifts will love you forever. I know I would.

And check out the blog hop below for tons of Christmas baking ideas. Thanks for hosting, Brenda!

Peace, and bacon grease!

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Aziza (San Francisco)

With all the new restaurant opening and young celebrity chefs, it is easy to overlook older restaurants, but Aziza in San Francisco should not be. Aziza has been open for ten years (since 2001) but chef/owner Mourad Lahlou has continued to churn out great food. In 2010 it became the first Moroccan restaurant to receive a Michelin star and it has maintained that star since.
The restaurant is rather nondescript on the outside. A neon sign marks the location in amongst Chinese and Japanese restaurants in the Richmond district. Inside, a festively decorated restaurant typical of Moroccan restaurant. The food, on the other hand, is nothing like other Moroccan foods you've had.

Mate Mojito
We decided to skip the tasting menu and ordered what we wanted.
The cocktail menu at Aziza looked interesting and promising, but I was refraining from drinking alcohol so I went for the next closest thing: a Mate Mojito made by Taylor's Tonics ($6). Not really a mojito but it wasn't too sweet and was refreshing.

We started out meal with the lentil soup, medjool dates, celery, parsley ($8)
Lentil soup
A great lentil soup that also became a mini treasure hunt as we look for that burst of sweet from the dates. This was only a small hint of what Aziza is about.
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